Lights in the storm

When she heard the boom, Millie set aside her knitting. Through rain cascading down the dark living room window, she could see flames reaching up above the trees. The fire had to be extraordinarily hot to burn in this storm. These crashes were becoming more common and usually there were no survivors.
The storm pushed needles of rain into her face and her feet slipped across dark flows of mud. The trees moaned and reached in the wind and she couldn't hear anything above them. The tree-topping flames had died down, but she could see a glow above the field by the river. She didn't hurry; she wouldn't be able to help anyone if she fell and broke her own leg.
She came out of the forest and saw a dozen large and small figures silhouetted by the flickering orange glow.
She waved and called, 'Hello! Do you need help?' The figures turned towards her, and she pulled down her rain hood and angled her flashlight upwards to cast a glow onto her own face to show that she was just a...
Read at Nature