I Suddenly Found Myself The Breadwinner In Our Family. I Didn't Expect What It Did To My Marriage.

"Pursuing my career goals, I believed, had impacted my partner's abilities to pursue his. Even though I'd become the 'provider,' I still felt as if I needed his permission to work."
"According to financial expert Stefanie O'Connell Rodriguez, my husband and I are in no way unique... 'ambition penalty' to describe the social, professional and financial costs that women face when they go after what they want."
"Research finds that women enter the workforce with the same or higher levels of ambition as men. But while men are praised and rewarded for their ambitions, women are far more likely to be penalised for acting on theirs."
"In the workplace, women who actively pursue leadership positions are labeled aggressive, demanding and money-motivated, and they are perceived as less likable and hirable."
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