How Love Fuels Resistance: Parenting for Liberation

Abolitionist organizer Maya Schenwar expressed her struggle during the 2020 uprisings by saying, 'We're talking so much in movement spaces about care, and yet I feel so isolated from movement work because I have a young child.' This encapsulates the isolation felt by parents engaged in activism, highlighting the emotional toll that the intersection of parenting and social justice can have.
In discussing her co-edited anthology, Schenwar noted, 'I knew this was not a book I could simply just write alone... if we're honest, none of us are experts on parenting. This is something that most of our contributors write about in the book, that we are trying and failing and trying again, and failing better.' This reflects a collective journey of understanding parenting in the context of social justice.
Kim Wilson emphasized the challenges of parenting in relation to someone incarcerated, explaining, 'You have to reimagine how you parent someone who's inside.' This statement underscores the connections between personal relationships, parenting, and systemic issues surrounding imprisonment.
Read at The Nation