This is an age-old debate that is hard to resolve, especially when parents don't agree. What I did when my daughter was young and started getting invited to sleepovers was to talk to the parents in advance about what the children would be doing and where they would be sleeping.
You might also consider hosting a sleepover at your house. That way you get to see how the kids behave together and how engaged their parents are. I guess my point is I agree with your husband that it's worth a try with precautions built in.
My husband believes that by denying our children this opportunity, I am isolating them from their peers. He argues that many parents allow their children to participate in sleepovers without incident.
My children feel disappointed and left out when their friends host sleepovers and they are unable to join. They assure me that they would adhere to any rules or guidelines set by the hosting family and that they are responsible enough to handle themselves in unfamiliar situations.