Chris Shepherd's heartfelt graphic novel is a story of family, young love and Liverpool

"I spent four years drawing every day. I really got into drawing old buses and trying to capture Liverpool long gone. It dawned on me that I was on a mission to create something beautiful."
"I did this to keep the process fresh and I kept drawing different types of pages, panels then landscapes. That way I could always discover something new in the story - I found it a great way of keeping it exciting over the four years."
"It might not be realistic, but it looks beautiful. Suns rise and fade dramatically over his post-industrial landscapes, scenes of football fans making their way to Anfield are emblazoned with the bright red against a dreary day."
"There's a beauty in the way they are shown here," says Chris, referring to the iconic flats in the background of a scene, illustrating his intention of paying homage to 1980s Liverpool.
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