Bad Timing Can Make Any Injury Devastating | Defector

The toughest injuries for me to stomach aren't the ones that come in the preseason, but the ones that happen late in the year. Once December arrives, the arc of your team's season is clear. You're either shitty, decent but with little Super Bowl hopes, or really good. And if your team is really good that year, your excitement for their title prospects is at its peak. So when a vital player on your team—let's say RT Brian O'Neill in 2022—goes down that late, it rips your heart out.
The obvious answer on my end is Korey Stringer, who died of heat stroke in Vikings training camp back at the turn of the century. Death is the worst injury, because it has a comeback timeline of never. Boo. When I become president, I will initiate a Death Moonshot that will cure this affliction once and for all.
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