It is arrant nonsense for hopeful meliorists to assure us that the bloody orgy of Spain's Sundays and fiestas is on the wane... On the contrary, bullrings now tend to grow vaster in size and cost.
Every city and town, however poor, must have its national circus; the most primitive village will... let loose a string of local bulls, with young lawyers and traders as amateur matadors.
From first to last, los toros cost a backward and still largely illiterate Spain at least 500,000,000 pesetas a year... Bulls are bred for strength, for feline swiftness of turn, and a blind fury that will charge and smash anything that moves.
Spanish children play in the gutter with coat and stick as the make-believe muleta and sword of the vast arena, where heroes in cloth of gold and silver loom as the idols of an historic nation.