Abir Mukherjee: Frederick Forsyth and Jeffrey Archer were my gateway drugs into reading for pleasure'

My earliest reading memory An Enid Blyton the Famous Five or the Sadistic Seven or whatever. I must have been about six. We were on holiday in Kolkata from Scotland for what felt like eternity. All I remember was the gang solving the crime du jour and returning home for tea with toast and crumpets and jam...
The book that changed me as a teenager Donald Woods's Biko, the story of the life and murder of the South African freedom leader Stephen Biko by the apartheid-era state, affected me in a way few books have...
The writer who changed my mind Christopher Hitchens's God Is Not Great. I read this in my mid 20s. I hadn't been sure about God for a while by then. Hitchens did Him in for me...
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