"The war is now pushing towards three years. What is this nation? What is this people? What is this identity?" Gutnik’s questions underscore the resilience of Ukraine and its citizens against the backdrop of war, probing deeper into their identity.
"They're fighting to create and protect culture, and by extension their Ukrainian identity, as a response to Vladimir Putin's repeated insistence that they have none." This highlights the cultural resistance amidst warfare, showcasing the fierce identity struggle faced by Ukrainians.
"This is a war of identity, a war of memory, a war of who gets to write the history." Gutnik emphasizes that beyond the physical conflict, the war also reflects the ongoing battle for narrative and self-definition.
"Among the collective resistance of artists in Rule of Two Walls is Bogdana Davydiuk, whose haunting Dada-esque street murals... reflect the fiery passion and disorientation of war." Through art, these Ukrainian voices assert their presence, power, and perspective in the midst of chaos.