A moment that changed me: I thought I was about to die and realised how much my friends mattered to me

“In my memory, no one screamed. A few years earlier, I had been working in the US as an English teacher. I remembered the laminated piece of paper that listed our emergency protocols. For an active shooter, you were supposed to evacuate. If you couldn't flee, you found a safe place to hide.”
“It was the summer of 2022. I was on holiday in Stockholm with my friends and former college roommates Allie and Sherry... We had finished touring the Royal Palace and were in search of sustenance.”
“This was my mantra as we snatched Allie from her spot at the counter... Employees squatted beside a human-sized mixer, beneath a steel prep table, behind a row of unpacked boxes.”
“I don’t remember explicitly fearing death. Instead, I felt a sense of the world narrowing, like at the end of a cartoon where the.”}],
Read at www.theguardian.com