27 People Who Married Rich And Were Straight-Up Shocked To Learn What Their Partner's Family Was Like

"My wife's family is quite wealthy. ... Every once in a while (even after five years), there are situations where I can clearly see that we have a completely different understanding of money. I remember when I talked about cars with my wife. And she literally said, 'I cannot understand why people buy old or used cars. I would never feel safe. Or why do people even buy those cheap brand cars? Better go for Mercedes Benz or BMW. Everybody knows that these cars are better. So why do people buy other cars?!' I could see in her eyes that she meant it 100% honestly. She was not joking, she was very serious. I just calmly answered, 'Well, maybe because some people just can't afford those expensive cars?' I could see how surprised she was and said, 'Oh yeah, you're right. I didn't think about that.' I swear to god, I could see how surprised she was and how she just never considered the fact that there are people that cannot afford a Mercedes Benz or BMW."
"My husband and I do alright, but his family is wealthy. We're not really in touch with many of them, but oh man, when his family members pass away, there is so much drama about money and trust funds. It seems like when people pass, the family doesn't bat an eye about the deceased, it's just an endless drag down rat race for the money that is left. It is endless, ongoing drama about who gets what and what amount, and how dare someone get more money than someone else. It's heartbreaking. My family is poor, so when my family members pass, it's mostly about paying off debt and sorting out furniture and photos. My mind is blown about anything to do with any assets or disputes."
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