199 Shakespearean baby names that aren't Romeo or Juliet

Romeo and Juliet, however, are popular picks, despite their tragic end... Romeo is number 293, and rising in popularity in recent years.
Juliet is 292, and also on the rise. But the most popular Shakespeare baby name is William, both the playwright's first name and a character in As You Like It. It ranks at number 10 among the most popular baby names for boys.
If you're looking for a Shakespearean baby name that's a little less ... obvious, there are plenty to pick from. Try Cassius or Hector for a boy, or Octavia or Valeria for a girl.
Before you fall in love with a Shakepearean name, it's a good idea to read the play first, or at least the Cliff Notes, to make sure you're not giving your sweet baby a villain's name.
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