11 People On The Craziest Things They've Done For A Crush

The article explores the dual nature of having a crush, detailing how it can spark motivation for self-improvement while also leading to embarrassing encounters. Readers shared their stories, revealing how the excitement of a new romantic interest often drives them to take unexpected actions, sometimes leading to humorously awkward situations. For instance, a woman elaborated on her chaotic attempt to sit next to her flight crush, resulting in embarrassment when her plan unraveled. Another story highlighted the extents to which feelings for another can compel individuals to lie or manipulate situations just for a chance to connect.
I decided to board the plane and go to the original seat so I could sit next to the hot guy. I conveniently 'lost' the new seat assignment and only had my app which had my original seat number.
I had a crush on this girl who worked in the music industry - she had a great smile and was just a fun person to be around.
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