The book "Waste Wars: The Wild Afterlife of Your Trash" by Alexander Clapp illustrates the hidden journeys of waste from wealthy nations to impoverished areas. It reveals how a simple plastic bag, after being recycled in a wealthier country, can end up polluting the environment in regions like Turkey or India. This global waste transfer not only harms the environment through toxic contamination but also fosters informal economies reliant on waste disposal, putting immense strain on local ecosystems and communities already burdened by pollution.
"The story of this plastic bag appears early in Waste Wars: The Wild Afterlife of Your Trash, a new book by the journalist Alexander Clapp. The book reveals many such journeys, tracking the garbage of rich countries along hidden arteries toward some of the planet's poorest places."
"This dumping exacts a devastating environmental toll-leaching toxic contaminants into water, air, and food, and miring whole regions in growing fields of rubbish. It's also reshaping economies,..."