A new wave of Irish women artists is breaking down taboos surrounding female genitalia, transforming the narrative from one of shame and fear to empowerment and healing. This movement challenges the historical depiction of women's bodies as vulgar or hostile, often influenced by the Catholic Church and patriarchal views. By addressing the silence surrounding these topics, these creatives are fostering conversations that seek to redefine the perception of female anatomy and celebrate its beauty, strength, and significance in the healing journey.
No longer seen as a source of fear and shame, a new generation of female creatives is reclaiming the powerful iconography of the vagina and vulva as a symbol of strength, beauty and healing.
A new wave of Irish women are reclaiming the vagina and vulva in their artistic work, breaking down taboos, opening up conversations and shedding new light on a history of hurt.
So often stuck in a place between porn and shame, women's genitalia are often described in vulgar or hostile terms.
Many women grew up in an Ireland where the workings of the female body were not discussed in public or in private, carrying the shame thrust upon them by the Catholic Church and the patriarchy in the deepest parts of themselves.