Drop It is a convenient solution for those who suffer from wine-induced headaches or allergies. By adding 1-2 drops for white wine and up to 9 for an entire bottle, users can enjoy their drinks with fewer side effects. BuzzFeed editor Elizabeth Lilly shares her positive experience using it during wine-filled weekends, while a user praises its effectiveness in alleviating sensitivity to wine preservatives. The product retails at $14.99 on Amazon, making it accessible to wine lovers.
I've tried these before on some weekend friend getaways where we drank a LOT of wine and I think they really work! Just don't get overeager squeezing the bottle because then you can put way too much in your glass and make your wine taste weird.
I became really sensitive to wine in my 30s and through a lot of trial and painful error, I thought I might have to give up on wine altogether. Then I found out about the preservatives being a possible cause and decided to give this product a shot.