Why canva font sizes are not matching css font size?

The transition from design layout in tools like Canva to actual HTML and CSS involves many adjustments, particularly regarding fonts and sizes. It's not unusual for a font size set at 90px in CSS to appear smaller than anticipated on a website. This can result from variations in screen resolutions, browser rendering, and pixel density. Therefore, developers frequently find themselves recalibrating sizes, ensuring the visual hierarchy and readability of text on the web matches the original design intention.
When designing a website, translating measurements from design tools like Canva to CSS can often lead to discrepancies in sizes. Factors such as screen resolution and display settings can affect the final appearance of text, prompting the need for adjustments.
It's common for designers to face challenges when converting layouts from design platforms into code. Even seemingly straightforward tasks, like setting font sizes, can require careful calibration to ensure the website reflects the intended aesthetics and usability.
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