Trying to display all records for a specific customer

"To properly implement the functionality of recording new orders with their respective customers, a join between the customer and invoice tables is essential. This ensures every new invoice is linked to a specific customer, which facilitates accurate tracking and management of transactions."
"Adding a customer_id column to the invoice table was a necessary step to bridge the relationship between the two tables. This change simplifies query operations and aligns the database structure to better match the requirements of the application's business logic."
"Creating a dropdown selector on the new order page for customer selection is crucial. It allows users to pick the correct customer from a list, which will then ensure the customer_id is accurately inserted into the invoice table during the order creation process."
"While modifying PHP pages to handle SQL queries can be challenging, simplifying the process—by focusing on ensuring accurate joins between tables and validating inputs—can mitigate errors and streamline the development of the invoicing system."
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