Apple Watch 2 Ultra 2 Similar

"It's also not some big insult - as I made clear last year, I love, love, love the Apple Watch Ultra. While its sheer size doesn't make it for everyone, for me, it's easily the best Apple Watch ever."
"Sadly, the second iteration of the device has changed so little that I don't think it warranted 'stage' time at this year's iPhone event. Yes, it got a new, faster 'S9' chip. But in day-to-day usage, I haven't really noticed a difference."
"The main feature which Apple touted on said 'stage' was 'Double Tap' which does look great, but is not enabled yet. That's a little weird because it is being touted as a new marquee feature of the device."
"The Ultra 2 does feature a screen which is brighter at max illumination, but again, in day-to-day that's not really something you're going to notice."
Read at Medium