The article provides a glimpse into the social media landscape surrounding the Commanders, noting both player updates and community sentiments. It features a heartfelt tribute to Kimber, reflecting the impact of her loss on the community. Player insights highlight their future aspirations and team dynamics, with comments from WR Noah Brown, backup QB Marcus Mariota, and LB Bobby Wagner. Additionally, it emphasizes the ongoing rebuilding of the Commanders franchise and the pride in their progression despite challenges faced during the season.
We consider ourselves lucky to have met Kimber and her family. Kimber was funny, spunky with a unique sense of humor. She was as fierce as they come and an absolute warrior!
I feel great; been lifting and running for a while now. I'll head into the offseason full ready to go, just training to see what' next.
It's hard to pass something like this up but you don't want to close any doors.
As I reflect this morning, I have to put my competitive nature to the side and remind myself that we're only in the second year of rebuilding the @Commanders franchise.