"The majority of the bases that you saw [...] were these green bases, square or round, that have Goblin Green painted around the rim of the base, Goblin Green over the texture, which was like PVA glue and sand and maybe some rocks, and then, like, a yellow drybrush over top," said Adam Abramowicz, marketing executive for the miniature paint company The Army Painter.
"Now that wargaming has become a bit more gritty and realistic, I think people look back on Goblin Green quite fondly because it is a bit of a lurid color and it is a bit goofy," said mini-painting YouTuber and former Games Workshop presenter Louise Sugden.
There's been a recent rise in interest in the '90s and early 2000s era of Warhammer, unofficially known as Oldhammer or Middlehammer, thanks in part to videos from gaming or miniature influencers online.
Games Workshop has also picked up on this, recently reviving its Fantasy Battle range in the form of Warhammer: The Old World. One problem, though: Games Workshop's line of paints, Citadel Colour, has changed significantly over the years.