There are no monsters that are off the table," Sakae Osumi, senior producer for Monster Hunter Now, tells me during an interview in the middle of the game's first IRL event in Shibuya, Japan. "We've been introducing new monsters, as well as variants, for the past year, and we've also started introducing Elder dragons, lately, too."
This summer was extremely hot," grins Kei Kawai, Niantic's chief product officer, as he adds on to what Osumi is saying. "So it was kind-of fitting to see that Teostra - the Elder Dragon surrounded by fire! - added to the game for this season. We always see that there's some sort of 'real world' situation for the choice of monster we choose to add.
Kushala Daora was the first Elder Dragon - and there are plenty more to come. This hints at an exciting continuity and evolution for the Monster Hunter Now roster in relation to the seasons.