We never set out to make this a game that was popular with girls at all," said original game designer Roxy Wolosenko in 2022. "We were just making a game that was interesting to us. Girls just ended up finding it.
The comedian Carey, then the star of an eponymous sitcom on ABC, was an early fan of The Sims and had twice referenced the game on his show, the second time with Maxis supplying custom footage.
If the player threw a good party, Carey would drop by in a limo. 'Heyyyyyyy! My agent said I just HAD to come over. Let's crank this party up!'
This time he wanted to actually flirt with [my] 'mother-in-law,' noted one Sims player in a 2001 Usenet post, and he kept going into the hallway to be by himself and talk to himself before talking to anyone else.