Here's Why Some Fans Think This $90 WoW Mount Is Actually A Good Deal

"Celebrate camaraderie between the Alliance and the Horde with the awe-inspiring Trader's Gilded Brutosaur, adorned with a 20th Anniversary themed harness encrusted with gems representing World of Warcraft's expansions," reads Blizzard's official description. "Brave the world of Azeroth on this magnificent Zandalari beast with Morten and Killia, bringing the auction house and the mail to you on the go!"
Some players are excited since it offers both Auction House and Mail features on the go. Others are less than impressed. "That's disgusting," wrote the Pandaren Mage Ishayo on the forum page. "I can't believe you're selling an AH mount for more than Diablo 4. It's mental."
Aside from the price, some of the controversy stems from the fact that the Gilded Brutosaur is essentially a re-issue of a similar mount from 2018 with the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Players either had to spend tons of time farming gold or pay roughly $15 per 150,000 gold, making the mount actually cost $500 all those years ago.
Some World of Warcraft players are actually pissed that Gilded Brutosaur isn't more expensive. What seemed like a special limited-time thing they earned years ago is now available to everyone for the low-low price of almost a Benjamin.
Read at Kotaku