Destiny 2's IO Planet Is Coming Out Of The Vault Next Week For A New Roguelike-inspired Activity

Bungie's March 4 livestream revealed the return of Destiny 2's IO planet, reintroducing players to the Remnants of Silver area. This location will host the new activity, Court of Blades, where players will face challenges influenced by roguelike mechanics that adapt based on player choices. The activity will feature rotating armaments and augmentations that stack with completion, allowing players to navigate varying difficulty levels. Additionally, the Court of Blades marks the return of direct interactions with Oryx, enhancing the lore experience as the game evolves.
During its developer livestream on March 4, Bungie confirmed the return of Destiny 2's IO planet, which will feature the new Court of Blades activity.
This time around, IO's Remnants of Silver will host the Court of Blades, inspired by roguelike elements that Bungie has been experimenting with.
The Court of Blades will introduce challenges that players can overcome in various ways, emphasizing player choice and adaptability.
Bungie aims to provide opportunities for players to shortcut challenges or create interesting combinations with daily rotating armaments.
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