Deltarune Chapters 3 And 4 Will Definitely Be Released In 2025, Toby Fox Says

"I'm very eager to show you what we've made since six years ago. Chapter 3 and 4 will 100% come out in 2025, the specific time is still relying on localization and console porting. Please hear me clawing at the door trying to escape the shallow coffin I have been buried in."
"The first chapter of Deltarune was released back in 2018 and the second chapter was released in 2021. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 will be paid releases, but it's unknown how much they will cost at the moment."
"Deltarune's Chapter 2 made GameSpot's Best of 2021. GameSpot said, 'While the chapters are short, they're hard to put down, and once you've started playing, it's tough to stop until you've hit the endpoint.'"
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