Civilization 7 Players Hear Coughing In Game Music, But No One's Choking

In the early access phase of Sid Meier's Civilization 7, players have reported a peculiar audio bug occurring during Age transitions. As players select new civilizations at the beginning of each Age, they hear unintended noises, including coughs and idle chatter. This issue arises from the Main Menu audio playing simultaneously with the Age Transition screens. Despite the distractions, 2K and Firaxis are aware of the problem and have committed to ongoing post-launch support aiming for an eventual fix. The full release is scheduled for February 11 on multiple platforms.
During an Age Transition in Civilization 7, players hear strange noises due to overlapping audio from the Main Menu during gameplay, creating unusual auditory distractions.
The developers are aware of the audio issue in Civilization 7, where idle voice lines from the Main Menu disrupt the Age Transition screens, promising future support.
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