"When I left IDEO earlier this year, I decided to focus my attention on diving deeper and expanding wider in the area of design for environmental and societal change. I dream of a future where everyone flourishes - people, communities, and the planet... design can play a role in moving us closer towards this future."
"It's important to determine if the outcome of our work has the potential for good. Sometimes the 'what' can be found in the area we're focusing on, such as solutions for healthcare, public services, or education."
"During my sophomore year of college, one of my dad's colleagues asked if there was anything I wouldn't advertise. I naively replied, 'I don't know.' I later realized the importance of having ethical considerations in design."
"WHAT we design, WHO we design for, and HOW we design play crucial roles in having a positive impact on society and the environment. Questions to ask yourself: Is what we design making the world a better place?"