Company acquisition, AI agents as personas, how might things go wrong

Three years ago, during the hard Covid lockdown in The Netherlands, the news arrived at our company; we were going to be acquired by a competitor. At that point, my reference to company acquisitions was Meta buying Instagram or movies depicting evil corporations pushing local shops into bankruptcy. I had no idea how common mergers and acquisitions are all around the world, across many industries. Naturally, questions piled up in my mind: Will I still have a job? Will my colleagues still be around? Will I be replaced by their own designers? Will we lose all the hard work we've put to get the product where it was?
We're pretty limited when it comes to care. In any given moment, you can only really care deeply and individually for one person. There was some pain in that realization.
But my breakthroughs with the new technology started when I realized I was thinking about it all wrong. I needed to stop treating AI like a search engine and start treating it like a jam session.
I think the most important and difficult thing about being a designer is making decisions. (...) There are around 500,000 fonts available; designers have to choose 2 or 3 for any given project.
Read at Medium