A Call for Consensus on HTML Semantics | Stephanie Eckles

There are several scenarios I think will plague me til the end of my webdev days, especially with a push towards components and templates that are to assume a consistent hierarchy (ha!) particularly when aiding dynamic and/or user-generated content but should also be accessible, scalable, maintainable, and provide an inclusive user experience. Woof.
Perhaps you want to build something that seems simple on the surface, like a blog. Suddenly you are faced with some gray-area scenarios, such as: Should the author bio photo be a figure or just an img? Markdown blockquotes are convenient for creating "callouts", but should some (most?) of those actually be just decorated paragraphs or even <aside role="note">? The sidebar is showing categories of things with headings but do those headings really need promoted to an h2 just to keep the heading hierarchy in order? Or should they be a nested list structure with the "title" text styled bold? Or... is there a secret third option? ... How much do we need to fret about putting the published date in a time or using cite for referenced resources? W
HTML is supposed to be easy to learn. And sure, the basics are pretty clear, like when to use a p over an a. (But, lol, watch out for when to use a vs button)
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