Recent releases of JFK assassination records under President Trump's executive order revealed almost 63,400 pages. Many documents are irrelevant and had been previously classified or redacted. Notably, a driver's license for CIA officer James P. O'Connell was included, even though he was not connected to the assassination. This ongoing release, dating back to the 1990s following public interest spikes and film releases, continues to reveal more mundane information rather than the sought-after secrets of the case.
In 1962, the CIA had a driver's license made for one of its officers, James P. O'Connell. It gave him an alias: James Paul Olds.
The release of all this information sounded dramatic, but much of what has been revealed is about as interesting as that driver's-license detail.
Hundreds of thousands of such documents have been released since the '90s, including thousands released during Trump's first term and the Biden administration.
One of Trump's 2024 campaign promises was to release all the rest; he said that it was "time for the American people to know the TRUTH!"