Vice President J.D. Vance recently invoked the medieval theological concept of 'ordo amoris' to justify the Trump administration's immigration policies. This principle suggests a hierarchy of love and moral duty, with obligations to family and community taking precedence over those to distant strangers. In response to criticism of his views, Vance claimed that the left has inverted this understanding of moral responsibility, stating that it is common sense to prioritize local ties. He referenced St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas to underscore the importance of focusing first on those closest to us.
In defending immigration policies, Vice President J.D. Vance cited 'ordo amoris,' a medieval theological principle suggesting that moral duties prioritize family, community, and country over distant strangers.
Vance argued that the left has inverted the proper order of love, emphasizing that one's responsibilities to family and community are paramount before considering global concerns.