Robert Putnam warns of America's unraveling social connections, rooted in distrust and isolation that affect communities and politics. At a recent forum, he criticized the perception that Trump solely caused America's problems, instead calling him 'a symptom' of deeper issues like political polarization and social fragmentation. Putnam's analysis is informed by his latest book, 'The Upswing,' which reflects on rising inequality and isolation, particularly among working-class Americans. He suggests that addressing these fundamental issues is essential for healing and restoring social cohesion.
America is coming apart, warns Robert Putnam. It's all due to a growing lack of social connection, and it's visible in our relationships, communities, and deeply riven politics.
The real threat of what's happening right now in America is not what's on the surface, but the fact that the underlying causes of that are still there.
Putnam noted that President Trump's critics blame him for our problems, but Trump didn't create the turmoil. 'He's a symptom.'
Putnam emphasized that our isolation, particularly among people with less education, is growing worse, which contributed to Trump's electoral success.