In recent months, Jeff Bezos has notably shifted his political stance towards Donald Trump, culminating in changes at The Washington Post's opinion page. This pivot was highlighted by the decision to abandon a planned endorsement of Kamala Harris and instead focus on 'personal liberties and free markets,' a move welcomed by Trump supporters. This shift has not come without controversy, leading to the resignation of the Post's opinion editor. Bezos has further solidified his alignment with Trump through several public endorsements and social engagements, raising eyebrows in the media and political communities.
The latest indication of Bezos' Trump-ward drift came Wednesday, when he announced that the Post's progressive-leaning opinion page would shift its mission to promote personal liberties and free markets.
Since he killed the Harris editorial, Bezos... has continued to publicly warm to Trump, indicating a shift in his political allegiances.
On Nov. 6, the day after the election, Bezos praised Trump for an extraordinary political comeback and decisive victory.
The seeds of the Bezos-Trump alliance were planted in the July phone call... where Bezos praised Trump for how he'd handled the attempt on his life at a rally.