The article critiques Donald Trump and Elon Musk for their hypocrisy regarding free speech, suggesting they only support it for themselves. It references a past statement by former CBS CEO Leslie Moonves, who noted the financial benefits Trump's campaign brought to the network. However, as the article unfolds, it reveals Trump’s threats against CBS and Musk’s harsh criticism of a CBS program, revealing their attempts to control narratives under the guise of protecting free speech, which in practice serves their interests rather than public discourse.
"It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS," then-CBS President and CEO Leslie Moonves said in February 2016, highlighting media's profit from Trump's candidacy.
Trump's campaign promises to defend free speech are misleading, as his actions show he aims to suppress dissenting opinions.
Elon Musk's attacks on CBS's flagship program, calling them liars, reveals a troubling trend in the intersection of tech power and media.
CBS intends to seek disclosures about Trump's finances amid plans for a potential multimillion-dollar settlement, further complicating the narrative of free speech.