Brian Glenn, Chief White House Correspondent for Real America's Voice, exemplifies the growing influence of pro-Trump media at White House press briefings. During a press conference with President Trump and French President Macron, Glenn prominently asked Trump to comment on his favorable polling results from a Harvard/HarrisX poll. Trump's responses highlighted the perceived validation from media like Glenn's outlet and reflected a strategic focus on 'common sense' amidst current issues, showcasing the symbiotic relationship between Trump and MAGA-aligned reporters in shaping political narratives.
I was honored by it. It was a big poll, and it's usually a poll that leans on the other side of things. But the Harvard poll is a respected poll, and it has us not only leading, but leading by a lot and leading on every single issue that we've talked about.
Brian Glenn rose to prominence by hosting rally coverage for pro-Trump media outlet Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN). These days, Glenn is a reliable presence at the White House, where he is among a cadre of MAGA media reporters who enjoy unprecedented influence.
Glenn gushed about a new Harvard/HarrisX poll, then asked Trump to talk about it some more, illustrating the unique relationship between pro-Trump media and the administration.
Trump emphasized the importance of common sense amid global and national issues, highlighting a strategic narrative to bolster his leadership in line with polling results.