New Cornell research indicates that public support for executive actions by President Trump and President Biden is largely shaped by partisanship, overshadowing any legal concerns about their legitimacy. The study involved around 5,000 participants in 13 survey experiments, highlighting that while past presidents' actions were subjected to legal scrutiny, current loyalties to politicians color perceptions. Douglas Kriner emphasized that tribalism overwhelms legal considerations, implying that simply presenting information on the shaky legal foundations of such actions is unlikely to influence public opinion.
President Trump's torrent of executive orders has stirred legal scrutiny, but party loyalty seemingly negates any concerns about their legality among supporters.
Douglas Kriner states that tribalism and current loyalties overwhelm legal considerations, suggesting that legal concerns won't sway public opinion on recent presidents' unilateral actions.
Even with a backdrop of shaky legal foundations for executive actions, the study reveals partisanship significantly alters perceptions and responses among the public.
According to new research from Cornell, there is little reason to believe that highlighting the dubious legality of unilateral actions will change public opinion regarding Trump or Biden.