"Dead Man Walking:" Magic Numbers Nine and Four - emptywheel

In a recent interview, Chuck Schumer expressed concern about the threats to democracy posed by Trump's administration. He highlighted the significance of the courts as a safeguard against potential abuses. Though he acknowledged Trump's potential to ignore judicial rulings, Schumer urged senators to stand up for the judiciary. He expressed hope that as Trump's popularity wanes, more senators will voice their support for the courts. Schumer noted the appointment of 235 judges as a key achievement, asserting their crucial role in maintaining legal order during this politically tumultuous period.
I worry about this. When I say we'll win the election, I'm assuming democracy stays, but that we have to fight to make sure that happens.
Trump is destroying norms that have preserved our democracy for centuries, certainly for decades, and he's destroying them, and he doesn't care.
Our best bulwark? It's the courts. And one of the things we were able to do, which is proving very, very good, is we put in 235 new judges.
Let us say the courts uphold this. And one of the people who will determine that more than any other is probably John Roberts.
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