This is too serious to drown out': six US voters on what they're most anxious about

As a gynecologist in Georgia, I worry about a further erosion of women's rights. Pregnancy is already dangerous here. Once Roe was overturned, the six-week ban went into effect, and we quickly saw we couldn't provide medically appropriate care to our patients. It created a lot of fear and confusion amongst healthcare providers who didn't want to put their license or livelihood on the line.
Unfortunately, all it did was mean that patients had to be very sick before a doctor would intervene. We are seeing women bear the consequences, getting very sick, unable to get pregnant again, losing babies, and in some cases, dying.
As a queer family with children, our marriage, rights, privacy and ability to make healthcare decisions [may] be impacted. We can't watch TV as is, with all the hateful anti-trans ads. It's hard to sleep.
I don’t think [Trump's] the best president we've ever had, he's kind of like a New York playboy. But I think he had a good successful term, despite being an amateur politician. The continuous character assassination of him... motivated me to vote for him, to oppose the organised media and political establishment.
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