The many, nasty faces of Kamala Harris: VP only reinforced the fatal inauthenticity of her debate performance

While Trump was speaking and Harris knew her face was alongside his on the split screen, she would flash through a dozen different personas in 60 seconds, like an overmedicated Sybil. Her expression would switch between narrowed-eye incredulity, smug contempt, pursed-lip amusement, a condescending smirk, a tilted head, a disapproving eyebrow, a thrusting chin, eye rolling, head shaking, a little macho shoulder swagger, and even a ridiculous chin holding pose.
If you switched off the sound for the ABC debate Tuesday night and just watched the images, you would come away feeling deep distaste for the haughty flibbertigibbet who kept pulling faces while Trump was speaking. Harris' split-screen pantomime made her seem unserious and unlikable and was clearly designed for the sort of viral 'Brat Girl' moments.
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