Fantastic job, fantastic job, Nehls said to his fellow Republican who spoke before him. Troy Nehls, from the great state of Texas. I tell you what I saw today, this is nothing more, and the American people see it, this is election interference, he began, parroting much of Trump's rhetoric.
No question about it, Nehls continued, adding: We've already highlighted to you all about the daughter, big megadonor for all the Democrats. They don't want Donald Trump off the ballot. They don't want him on the ballot. They don't want Donald Trump holding rallies because what happens at his rallies? This is five weeks sitting in a courtroom when he should be out reaching the American people and telling the American people what he would like to do for this country and who shows up.
The Democrats hate it. There's not another person on the planet that can do that other than the Pope, Nehls continued, oddly claiming only Trump and the Pope can draw large crowds. The Pope! And why do people go visit the pope. What do they say, Pope? What can you do? Would you bless me and my family? That's what they want.
When people come to Donald Trump's rallies, they're saying, Donald Trump, we need you more than ever before. Our country is burning, Nehls continued comparing the former president to the Pope. The world's on fire. We need leadership. The American people are begging for leadership.