Opinion | The Week in Bad Political Behavior

This week brought us some brutal MAGA-on-MAGA combat, compliments of Laura Loomer, the right-wing influencer who has been kicking it with Donald Trump on the campaign trail of late.
Loomer started things off by snarking on X that if Kamala Harris wins the presidency, the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center.
The smear wasn't clever or funny and, in fact, was so thuddingly racist it prompted a public scolding from Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, who denounced Loomer's post as appalling and extremely racist.
Loomer responded by slamming Greene as the real racist and gutter trash. One of the Senate's top Trump toadies, Lindsey Graham, also publicly warned his MAGA king against associating with the toxic Loomer.
Read at www.nytimes.com