What is Keir Starmer's plan to boost UK defence spending and is it affordable?

The article discusses The Independent's commitment to unbiased reporting on various issues, such as reproductive rights, climate change, and military affairs. It highlights Sir Keir Starmer's plans to increase Britain's defence budget to 2.5% of GDP amidst concerns over national security and aligns with NATO demands. The move has drawn criticism from the Labour Party's left wing, prioritizing military spending over social issues. The article underscores the essential role of journalists in conveying both sides of complex stories during critical moments in history.
Quality journalism should be available to everyone, paid for by those who can afford it, as we aim to report both sides fairly.
Sir Keir Starmer's plan to increase Britain's defense spending aims to align with NATO's demands while responding to concerns about national security.
As the UK strategizes to bolster its defense budget, the military expresses concerns over a long-term erosion of armed forces capability.
The Independent is trusted across the political spectrum and engages in crucial reporting amid historic US issues, including climate change and reproductive rights.
Read at www.independent.co.uk