Bank of England deliver interest rates verdict amid inflation and Trump tariffs

The Independent highlights the essential role of journalism in documenting vital issues like reproductive rights and climate change. Their efforts include investigative reporting on financial aspects of notable figures and exposing the struggles of American women for rights. Amid global uncertainties, the UK Bank of England has kept interest rates stable at 4.5%, reflecting market concerns influenced by Donald Trump's changing trade policies. This situation stresses the need for informed reporting to navigate economic challenges and trade tensions, with an expectation of slight rate cuts in the future despite ongoing inflation struggles.
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Interest rates have been held at 4.5 per cent by the Bank of England amid mounting global uncertainty and growing trade tensions sparked by Donald Trump.
The interest rate is still expected to fall further over the remainder of the year, although only two further cuts are now expected across 2025.
A significant portion of the uncertainty is due to Donald Trump's trade tariffs, which have created unrest in industries facing rising costs.
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