In 2023, Polish protesters rallied for abortion rights, resulting in a government change that promised reform. However, relentless delays led activists to create a pregnancy termination centre in Warsaw. The centre aims to provide tailored support for those seeking abortion information, including how to access pills safely, emphasizing its symbolic location near the parliament. Despite the legal complexities surrounding abortion pills in Poland, the centre emerges as a significant step toward challenging strict abortion regulations and serving the needs of women in the country.
In late 2023, Polish abortion campaigners established a pregnancy termination centre to provide information and support, challenging the country’s restrictive abortion laws.
The centre's location is strategic, near the parliament, symbolizing a challenge to Poland's near-total abortion ban.
While possession of abortion pills isn't illegal, assisting or providing them can lead to significant prison time in Poland.
Plans to offer tailored support at the centre show a community response to stalled government promises on abortion law reforms.