The exact date you should turn your heating off as energy bills set to rise again

As energy costs remain high, households are looking for ways to manage heating expenses effectively. Gordon Wallis, a Renewable Heating Specialist, advises that the best time to turn off heating is around March 30, coinciding with the start of British Summer Time. He emphasizes a gradual approach to reduce thermostat settings, suggesting a weekly decrease of 1C to help manage costs, potentially saving up to 10% for every degree lowered. With energy bills expected to rise again in April, practical tips for managing heating are essential for household budgets.
According to Gordon Wallis, the optimal time to switch off your heating is when the clocks go forward at the end of March, allowing for cost savings.
Rather than turning your heating off all at once, I suggest gradually lowering your thermostat by 1C each week, which can reduce costs significantly.
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