Mr Justice Paul McDermott expressed serious concerns regarding the potential release of a 23-year-old man, who attempted to murder Stephanie Ng at the age of 15. The judge's apprehension stems from a recent Supreme Court ruling that may allow the offender's release from prison without supervision. Highlighting the severity of the crime committed and its lasting impacts, Justice McDermott underscored the critical need for proper monitoring of young offenders who engage in violent acts, especially towards vulnerable individuals they meet through platforms like dating apps.
In a troubling moment, Mr Justice Paul McDermott expressed his concerns over the potential release of a 23-year-old offender who attempted murder at just 15. He questioned the implications of a recent Supreme Court ruling that could allow for his unsupervised release from prison.
Speaking about the case, Mr Justice McDermott emphasized the severity and the lasting impact of the crime, highlighting the importance of proper supervision for offenders who commit violent acts at a young age.