The Independent is dedicated to providing accessible, unbiased journalism on pressing issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and the influence of Big Tech. They highlight their investigative work, including an exposé on Elon Musk's PAC. Amidst rising concerns, over 2,400 signatories, led by Stephen Curry, called out the Royal Society for failing to address Musk's code violations. As pressure mounts, a meeting will be held next month to discuss the Society's response, marking a significant moment in scientific and public accountability.
The Independent emphasizes the importance of on-the-ground reporting, especially in critical situations like reproductive rights and climate change, asserting that quality journalism should be accessible to all.
Emeritus Professor Stephen Curry's open letter has garnered over 2,400 signatures, demanding action from the Royal Society regarding Elon Musk's alleged breaches of its code of conduct.