The Independent highlights its active role in reporting significant societal issues, including reproductive rights and climate change. As part of its commitment to accessible journalism, it is removing paywalls to ensure that all Americans have access to quality news. In related news, the UK government is adjusting driving test cancellation policies, requiring learner drivers to give a minimum of ten working days' notice effective 8 April. This move aims to reduce the backlog of test applicants by encouraging timely cancellations and better resource utilization for driving examiners.
From 8 April, learner drivers in the UK will need to give ten working days notice to cancel their practical driving test, up from three days.
The changes are expected to encourage learners to wait until ready to take their test, reducing last-minute cancellations and improving availability for others.
The government aims to tackle the backlog by recruiting 450 new driving examiners and implementing stricter booking conditions for driving tests.
The Independent emphasizes the importance of accessible journalism, providing insights on crucial issues like reproductive rights and climate change without paywalls.