Government denies talks with Caribbean nations over slave trade reparations

The Independent highlights its commitment to delivering impactful journalism on critical issues, including reproductive rights and reparations for colonialism. Amidst recent claims regarding talks with Caribbean nations for reparations, the UK Foreign Office denied these discussions. MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy remarked that ignoring reparations overlooks the lasting impacts of colonialism. The article underscores that the reparations discussion extends beyond financial compensation, to essential concepts of equality and justice integral to addressing historical wrongs and their implications in contemporary society.
"Talks with CARICOM nations would be a significant step towards acknowledging the enduring harm caused by enslavement and colonialism. Reparations is about equality and justice."
"Critics often misconstrue the campaign for reparations as solely about financial compensation, or historic events that have no relevance today. Our historic crimes play a central part in present struggles."
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